What do I need to be aware of when installing my gas spring?

  • Gas springs are under high pressure. Never open a gas spring or heat it.
  • Avoid radial or diagonal loads on the piston rod.
  • The cylinder (the thicker part) contains a small quantity of oil as well as the nitrogen. This oil is used for:
    • Lubricating the piston rod (the thinner rod)
    • Lubricating the seal
    • Damping the piston movement
  • The force in a gas spring cannot be adjusted.
  • If a construction has several gas springs that need replacing, it is sensible to replace them all at the same time.
  • If a gas spring is not installed correctly and the piston rod and seals cannot then be lubricated, the gas spring is much more likely to fail and will fail sooner.
  • There is no guarantee for gas springs. You can only claim for a replacement under guarantee if the gas spring does not work immediately after it is installed (manufacturing fault).
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