How do I know what delivery time to expect?

If we have your goods in stock, you will typically receive your shipment 2–3 days after making your order. We aim to ship your order by the end of the next working day. The onward shipping time is determined by our logistics partners GLS and Fedex. Parcels shipped in Belgium are generally delivered within 24 hours. For parcels shipped to our main European markets (including the Netherlands, France, or Germany), you can usually expect a delivery time of 24 to 48 hours. Deliveries to countries further away generally take 72 to 96 hours. 

If the product is not in stock, the delivery date depends on when the manufacturer ships the product. 
You can see whether a product is in stock or not from the green or red circle shown below the price in each item overview. If the circle is green, the product is in stock; if it is red, the product is not in stock.

When you go to the page for the item you need, you will see above to the order button either a green circle with ‘In stock’ or a red circle with ‘No stock’ and an estimate delivery time for that item.

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